The Buildings Show 2024, Toronto


December 4, 2024 Perspect Analytics Inc. will be attending The Buildings Show 2024 in Toronto. Teamed up with AM FM Consulting, Stan Shantz, Co-founder and VP of Perspect Analytics Inc. is going to give a presentation “The Benefits of Integrating AI//ML in Property Management Operations“, on Wednesday December 4, 2024.  In this session, Stan will discuss how innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies can revolutionize property management operations so as to optimize performance, elevate customer service, and improve productivity, efficiency, and profits. For more information and how to register, following the link below. Program | The Buildings Show

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mroAdvisor™ Beta Release

September 26, 2023 Perspect Analytics Inc. releases mroAdvisor™ for beta users. mroAdvisor™ provides just-in-time site-specific knowledge for on-site MRO technicians to troubleshoot problems, prioritize focuses and optimize allocation of resources. It leverages the latest developing in Generative AI, specifically Large Language Models, which is trained by client’s own data.

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Reducing Downtime: How Software can Help Virtual Conference

February 28, 2023 Stan Shantz, co-founder and VP of Perspect Analytics Inc. is one of the panel members in discussion of “How maintenance software helps your bottom line”. In the panel, Stan talked about the three main areas in maintenance that significantly impact a manufacturer’s profitability – productibility, risk management and continuous improvement. He argued that artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques can and will help a manufacturer to improve operational efficiency and much much more. The abstract of Stan’s panel discussion can be found here.

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