Generative AI for real time suggestions and knowledge delivery

Knowledge and wisdom from history and documents help maintenance staff in their day-to-day activities such as troubleshooting, priority focusing, and resource allocation.

Support on-site technicians with the knowledge they need when they need it

Marry LLM (Large Language Model) such as GPT4, with your own maintenance history and knowledge base such as manuals and procedures, the Advisory helps floor technicians quickly identify problems and solutions in real time. It also helps planners and schedulers to better estimate resources. This module is delivered through plugins and mobile applications. Minimal training is required as technicians will be working within their current environment

Support on-site technicians with the knowledge they need when they need it

Relying on LLM (Large Language Model) such as GPT4, but trained with your own maintenance history and knowledge base, including manuals and procedures, the Advisory helps floor technicians quickly identify problems and solutions in real time. It also helps planners and schedulers to better estimate resources. This module is delivered through browser plugins and mobile applications. Minimal training is required as technicians will be working within their current environment.

Know what is coming and what to do before the day starts

Utilizing sophisticated predictive models, Action Dashboards make suggestions to maintenance managers and lead technicians on what to expect and the priorities they should pay attention to. They cover:

To eliminate non-value-added MRO activities while creating a responsive, data-driven MRO culture; To provide action suggestions to MRO professionals to improve efficiencies with immediate impacts.
Perspect Analytics, built on advanced AI/ML technologies and extensive experience in maintenance, provides the best software solutions and professional service to organizations in manufacturing, infrastructure, facilities and other asset-intensive industries to streamlining and optimizing their MRO operations.
Improve OEE, increase equipment reliability, lower inventory and manpower costs.
Facility Management
Improve customer satisfaction, increase system reliability, lower inventory and manpower costs.
Improve fleet safety and reliability while lower inventory and manpower costs.
Increase customer satisfaction, system reliability balancing inventory .
Balance reliability with customer satisfaction and increase life expectancy while while managing inventory and labor expenditures.

Revolutionize maintenance and asset management with AI and ML, contact us for more information and schedule a demo now!”

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